

Monday, May 31, 2010

Teachers Day Celebration - Part 2

Second activity that was held was a "Titipan Kasih' programmed where teachers collaborated with various organizations to help refurnish a student parents house who is in needy. A lot of things need to be done and how inspiring to see teaches working long hours to make the house much more beautiful and extremely more comfortable to sit in. A lot of money, times and energy were sacrificed iin order to make this program successful.

The lucky student parents was En Kadir.

A lot of praises need to be given to Cikgu Marziah and Cikgu Hayati for making this extremely difficult task possible.

A lot of thanks and gratitude need to be given to the teachers who without complaining and excuses have given extremely a lot of cooperation during the programs. Surely the teachers of SKSSJ are great.

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